Learn the Details of Becoming a Surrogate Mother

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surrogate mother and babyWhat is Surrogacy?

There are a few assisted reproduction techniques, such as In Vitro Fertilization, egg freezing and surrogacy. Out of these techniques, surrogacy is the most unique. This process is very personal to both the surrogate and the intended parents. The process produces many emotions as it involves bringing different people together to bring a child into the world.

In a conventional pregnancy with one man and one woman, a pregnancy can create feeling of joy and excitement. However, for some women, a pregnancy can create feelings of stress. A pregnancy via surrogate can make things more complicated due to multiple parties being involved in the pregnancy.

With a pregnancy via surrogacy, it is important that all parties involved form a partnership in which they all move towards the same goal. This requires support before, during and after the pregnancy. The surrogate mother as well as the doctor, the couple or the individual desiring a child, must be able to work well together in order to ensure that the surrogacy remains as smooth and as joyful as possible.

Intended parents and surrogates must keep in mind that the typical surrogacy process can be more than one year.

As a surrogate mother, you are giving a gift to the intended parents. You will help give someone their deepest desire – a desire to bring a child into the world. This experience can be quite emotional. Here are some tips for what to consider when deciding to become a surrogate mother:

Religious Views

Each religion has differing opinions on the morality of surrogacy. Surrogacy and Islam and surrogacy and Christianity may view the topic in different ways. This is also true of Judaism and other religions. Some religions accept modern science and technology and view it as the use of the intellect given to us by God to conceive a child. If you are unsure of your religion’s views on surrogacy, then you may need to consult with your religious leaders.

Society’s Surrogacy Stigma

If you decide to become a surrogate you may receive criticism from more than just your religious community. Other people may be reluctant to accept your choice while others may have outright oppositions to surrogacy. While the beliefs of those close to you are significant, in the end it is your own decision whether or not to become a surrogate. When thinking about becoming a surrogate, it is important to ask yourself this important question: “Do you want to carry a child for a couple or individual desiring one?” It is vital to think about your own beliefs without pressure from those surrounding you. You must make the choice that you have peace with.

Reasons To Become A Surrogate

Do you have specific reasons why you want to become a surrogate? While the most common motive may be financial incentives, for many women the decision to become a surrogate may is based on an intrinsic desire to help others in need. The intended parents have a deep desire to build a family and you can be their angel that helps bring a child into the world. You must also be aware that potential womb carriers with self-seeking motives are not usually chosen.

Forming A Relationship With The Intended Parent(s)

It is imperative that you have a positive relationship with the individual or couple that will be the parent(s) of the child you will carry in your womb for nine months. If you have already decided that you would like to become a surrogate but have yet to find a couple, then it would be best to search for one that fits you by contacting a surrogacy agency. If you are interested in international surrogacy, there are surrogacy agencies in India, Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine and other countries that can act as mediators between surrogates and intended parents. If you are fortunate enough to have already found a suitable couple or individual, then it is very important that you build a relationship prior to finalizing your decision to be the surrogate mother.

To find more information and to speak with a Surrogacy Agent, please visit: Surrogates Across America today!

Photo courtesy of: David Castillo Dominici at FreeDigitalPhotos.net




If you would like more information about surrogacy or are interested in becoming a surrogate mother, please contact Surrogates Across America.

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