Many surrogates often ask several questions pertaining to working with International Intended parents. We wanted to dispel some of the thoughts...
Egg Donation Vs Surrogate Journey
Have you ever contemplated an egg donation vs surrogate journey before? Recently this question was posed to me from a perspective surrogate...
Explaining Surrogacy To Our Partner
Our significant others play a HUGE role in support for us during a surrogate journey. Some husbands or partners have a hard...
Medications In Surrogacy
Medications in Surrogacy: Why exactly do I need them? How exciting! You’ve done it! You’ve passed your medical clearance. You are physically,...
Giving The Baby Back
It always amazes me when people ask, “Are you going to be Ok giving the baby up?” I’m thinking “Are you KIDDING...
Single Dads
Single Dads in Surrogacy Single Dads. Everyone knows a story about a single mom who wanted a family so much that...
Location In Surrogacy
Is Location In Surrogacy Important? A wonderful colleague of mine recently shared this post with her Intended Parents. In it you will...
Termination In Surrogacy
There is a big misconception in regards to termination in surrogacy. We can always thank the media for that. While there are the...
Before Becoming A Surrogate
What To Consider Before Becoming A Surrogate If you are considering becoming a surrogate and don’t know where to start let’s first...
Compensation From Surrogacy
We want to be clear here with this post – the number one reason most surro-moms choose to be surrogates is...