My surrogate journey was simple. It was a calling. Something I felt in my very core I wanted to do. People think I’m crazy and that’s OK. I actually had a dream I delivered twins when I was going through an infertile time myself. When I awakened from the dream, I knew this was something I wanted to do. That day I began my journey.
The lady I worked with found me the perfect fit. I don’t put a lot of thought into things. I’m a go with the flow kind of person which I think makes for a good surrogate honestly. I began fantasizing about this woman who had yearned for a baby for a LONG time. I wanted to help her. That’s exactly what I got. This was a couple who for various reasons would be denied the ability to adopt. One reason was because of their age. Who are we to judge how old a parent should be? I was the incubator and helped bring their baby boy and baby girl into this world over 3 years ago. They are gorgeous, happy, and healthy. Their parents’ lives are complete. I walked away forever changed because I got to play a small part in changing someone else’s life for the better.
No, I didn’t do it for the money. I did it because I could relate to the struggle of infertility. I too had been there. You can’t imagine how difficult it is for those that can’t have a baby no matter how hard they try or were robbed of that pleasure due to an early hysterectomy or something unforeseen that rendered them unable to bear or carry their own child.
My blessing from my journey came 7 months later when I conceived my baby girl on my own after 13 years of infertility. Life is full circle. You get back what you put in!
Author unknown
If you would like more information about infertility and surrogacy, please contact Surrogates Across America.