The Purpose Of A Gestational Surrogate

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The Purpose of a Gestational Surrogate, and How You Can Become One

Have you ever wondered what is involved in the process of becoming a gestational surrogate, or how they’re different from traditional surrogates? If so, you’re not alone. The terms can be a little confusing!

We’re going to set the record straight for you today. Let’s walk through exactly what the process is for gestational surrogacy and how it differs from traditional surrogacy. This will also explain the purpose of a gestational surrogate and how you can become one.

Gestational Surrogates vs. Traditional Surrogates

Traditional surrogacy involves the surrogate being artificially inseminated with the father’s sperm, paired with her own egg. The surrogate is therefore the biological mother of the child.

Gestational surrogacy is different in that the surrogate is simply a carrier – they don’t have any biological ties with the child. The process involves In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) in which an egg and sperm from the intended parents is combined to form an embryo. The embryo is then transferred to the gestational surrogate.

The embryo can also contain a donor egg or donor sperm in certain cases, such as a single father/mother or gay couple wanting to start a family. Donor egg or sperm is also used in the event of a completely infertile couple, advanced maternal age or in a case where some genetic disorders want to be avoided.

The Purpose of Gestational Surrogates

Gestational surrogates help couples who are unable to conceive to start a family genetically related to them. Those interested in gestational surrogacy are typically couples where the woman is unable to give birth or conceive for medical reasons or advanced maternal age, gay couples wanting to have a biological tie, single men wanting a family, or single women unable to give birth.

There is a huge need for gestational surrogacy as infertility rates are rising. International couples also choose to go the surrogacy route in the US since the laws are more favorable and success rates are much higher than other countries.

Gestational surrogates are often referred to by intended parents as angels. They sacrifice months of their lives, and their bodies, in order to give them the gift of a child.

Reasons to Consider Becoming a Gestational Surrogate

First and foremost, the number one reason most women choose to become surrogates is because they want to help others. While gestational surrogates are compensated, money isn’t their primary motivation.


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